Red meat is a better source of protein than plant-based alternatives. Science says it, here the Research. Plant-based meat analogs lack in nutritional quality and digestive effectiveness

If the race for synthetic food and vegetable alternatives to meat continues rapidly in Europe and in the world, also thanks to public and private subsidies, more and more researches however question the real benefits that these would have on sustainability (environmental, economic and social) and on human health.

Results from a human clinical trial undertaken for the Pasture Raised Advantage research program found that meat provides more of the essential protein building blocks than a plant-based alternative. According to the researchers, the project is demonstrating that red meat is probably a better source of protein for the body than the highly processed plant products promoted as alternatives to meat ((Beyond Burger; Beyond Meat).

“Red meat is a nutrient-dense food and a dietary staple,” the researchers write. “A new generation of plant-based meat analogues (PBMAs) has been designed to mimic the experience of eating meat, but there is limited evidence on their digestive efficacy and nutritional quality.”

Below AGRICOLAE publishes the research available on Pubmed:

Carne sintetica messa in dubbio dalla scienza: “promossa da studi scientifici finanziati da chi la produce ma inquina più degli allevamenti e rischi per la salute”. Le ricerche

The four-phase multidisciplinary project is exploring the health and wellbeing benefits of consuming pasture-raised beef and lamb as part of a balanced diet, compared to finished beef with grains or a plant-based alternative. The research is a collaboration between researchers from AgResearch, the University of Auckland, Massey University and the Riddet Institute.

In this first of two clinical studies, thirty participants between the ages of 20 and 34 were given breakfast on four different days and their blood, digestive symptoms and mood were monitored for four hours immediately following the meal. Breakfast was a meal that contained a single serving of a different protein each day; pasture-raised beef, grain beef, lamb and a plant-based alternative – served in random order to each participant over the four days.

Dr Andrea Braakhuis of the University of Auckland, who led the team of nutrition scientists responsible for the study, said:

“We measured the nutrients in the blood of the participants and saw a significant difference in the type and amount of amino acids that come from digesting red meat protein compared to the processed meat alternative protein. The amino acids in red meat they were of greater biological value and better absorbed by the organism”.

Zootecnia, Olanda taglia allevamenti e investe in carne sintetica. Intanto Ue finanzia organizzazioni per sostituire cibo con food sintetico

Furthermore, these clinical results reflect the results of laboratory experiments conducted on the same foods by Massey University (led by Dr. Lovedeep Kaur), which demonstrate that red meat is digested better than the vegetable alternative.

“Our project is demonstrating that red meat is probably a better source of protein for the body than the highly processed plant products promoted as alternatives to meat,” Braakhuis points out.

“The new generation of plant-based meat analogs are formulated to mimic the taste and basic nutrient composition of meat. But very little is still known about their nutritional quality and health benefits,” points out AgResearch senior scientist Dr. Scott Knowles.

To know more:

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